Friday, October 10, 2014


For the first project of the year, my fourth and fifth graders took the bubble challenge. This is a great project for teaching the difference between transparent, translucent and opaque. We had to keep most of the bubbles black, otherwise they would look more like marbles, which is another fun project! This is a great activity, which had a 99.9% success rate and the kids loved it. I got the idea from Pinterest and I recommend you try it.
This year I wrote a MEF grant, called "Paint, Paint, Paint." The grant gave me $500.00 to buy art supplies. The Florida Consortium of Education Foundation funded this grant for which I am truly thankful. I used it to buy craypas, paper, tempera paint and ceramic glazes. This generous grant will make all this year's projects possible.

Sea Turtles - Grades 2 and 3

This was the first project of the year for my second and third grade students. The second graders painted theirs and the third graders used colored chalk with a little diamond dust for the sea foam. We made an open mouth and the kids could use folds to make the turtles pop up.