Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Corona Virus Year

 We made it! This crazy year has come to an end and we only missed one week of school thanks to the governor. I think it was a great decision to keep our schools open and I was determined to keep the art program working as per usual. That meant I had to be creative and have a lot of paint brushes and individual paints because the kids couldn't share materials. So, I bought a ton of cake tempera paint, thanks to the Waterlefe Artist's Guild's very generous $2000.00 donation and I washed a lot of brushes. We started painting on day 1. As the year progressed and it became more and more obvious that the virus was not transmitted from surfaces, we were able to  lighten up a bit. Most grade levels brought their own art supplies and this helped because all supplies that were shared had to be sprayed with disinfectant between use. It made me reflect on how many germs were normally exchanged in my class. I shutter to think, I wish I could say post-corona, but we shall see.

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